FOUR tips to get the sleep routine back on track

sleep routine

  1. SLEEP ROUTINE CHART: Make a visual sleep chart of our steps in the sleep routine so your child can see and know what is next. You can even take pictures of them doing their routine, print them out and use the pictures of them doing the routine for their chart. Have them involved in making the chart (even if they are putting fun stickers on it) so they feel a part of the process.

  1. CHOICES: If we know picking out pajamas is where we get stuck in our sleep routine, then go ahead and give them options for pajamas. For example, have 2 pajamas you are good with them wearing that night and say do you want the dinosaur or car pajamas tonight?

  1. LAST CALL: If reading books is an item that they have a hard time transitioning from, let them know this is the last book before bedtime. This helps them know ahead of time and they are not surprised at the end of the last book.

  1. PRACTICE: Kids learn best when they consistently practice. If they like to play with dolls or action figures, sit with them and practice Night Time with their dolls and have them be the Mommy or Daddy to show their dolls how to go to sleep for the night. It gives them confidence in what they need to do and lets them be the leader in the process. It is a new routine for everyone so give it time and consistency and they will be sleeping well soon enough!

Written by @resttoyournest

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