The Baby Diaries: Prepping for your new baby

Pregnant mum kneeling next to toddler /></p>
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<p>Now more than ever, we want to find ways to connect and share with our community of pregnant women, new mamas and parents. To celebrate all things Womb to World, we asked freelance writer Sian Broadbent to share her top tips for prepping for a new baby.</p>
<p>With love eP X</p>
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<p>So, you've made a human, aren't you clever! No doubt you've been thinking at length about your upcoming labour, mulling over your birth plan and debating (or going hand to hand combat) with your significant other over names. There's so much going on right now that life AFTER labour might seem all too overwhelming to navigate. Well, I got you, mama. I have curated the best, no-nonsense tips below to help cut through the noise.</p>
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<p><strong>Let's begin</strong></p>
<p>1. Breathe, you don't need everything in a baby store. Save your pennies for:</p>
<li>A good stroller</li>
<li>Car seat</li>
<li>Capsule (lifesaver for when bubs is sleeping)</li>
<li>Bassinet on wheels so you can move he or she from room to room</li>
<li>Bouncer, I recommend a vibrating one. They are the bomb</li>
<li>ergoPouch <a title=swaddles - A-mazing and they transition from swaddle to sleep sack

2. Borrow what you can from friends. Forget designer brands. I know they are pretty, but not necessary. Save your money.

3. Don't buy jeans and fancy clothing for a newborn. Seriously, put the kid in a onesie (like the ergoPouch Rompers, long sleeve sleepwear) and for the love of God, make sure they've got zippers NOT buttons, trust me.

4. Breast, formula or a mix of both, just do you, sweetheart. Happy mama, happy bubba.

5. Smile and nod to all the well-meaning advice-givers, then do whatever the eff you want. You know what's best for you and your child.

6. When your loved ones ask you what you need, tell them dinner! Having a stockpile of nutritious, freezable meals is a huge relief. Alternatively, there are heaps of healthy meal delivery services.

7. Allow yourself time at home with your family to heal and get to know your baby without outside pressures or stress. Visitors can wait “ in fact, they have to at the moment.

8. Make up a little medicine kit for baby with saline nose drops and snot sucker (I know, gross), paracetamol and gripe water, so you're not caught out in the middle of the night with a sick child. Google your local pharmacies online and find out who delivers.

9. Give bubs a nice warm bath, then dream feed at 10pm. You can thank me later.

10. Download The Baby Diaries quick smart. It's a free and easy to use app (iOS and Android) that lets you keep track of baby's feeds, sleep, change times, medical and milestone achievements. A lifesaver for a tired mama's brain - hallelujah!

Stacey Gadway, mum of two young boys, is the new owner and CEO of The Diary Apps; The Baby Diaries and The Pet Diaries. Full-time wife and mum trying to squeeze in some part-time work as best as possible.

Bio of Author

Who does she think she is? Sian Broadbent. Mama Bear to Big G and Little b. Wife to Evan. Freelance Writer and Manager of Facey group 'Gippsland Mama' Personal development junkie, music and fashion addict. Lover of melted cheese and bad karaoke. Visit @sian_broadbent for incriminating snaps or contact at

Sian Broadbent, Gippsland Mama

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