When and how to transition from bassinet to a crib
You've just settled into your brand-new life as new parents or parents of more than one child. The fourth trimester is a blur - but blissful, nonetheless. Your new baby may have been sleeping soundly beside you in a bassinet, waking for feeds or poo explosions at any given time #newbornlife.
While this has been a magical yet eye-opening and tiring experience, the time may have come to transition your baby from bassinet to crib. This is an important milestone for families; it's the end of the newborn phase and the start of infancy, and it can be emotional and a learning curve for all involved. Nevertheless, this significant move may be the best course for you, your family, and most importantly your baby because that bassinet suddenly looks very small once your baby starts to grow!
When to transition from bassinet to crib: What are the first signs?
First and foremost, if your baby is showing signs of rolling, it's time to start transferring them into a crib and out of being swaddled.
Bassinets are much more shallow than most cribs. Babies can get stuck if they roll onto their stomachs. A baby learning to roll from back to front needs its arms free to help roll back and/or lift its neck and head sideways for clear and unobstructed breathing while face down. For safety reasons alone, you need to make the transit.
The initial signs of rolling can include:
- Attempting to roll body when unswaddled
- Pushing up on hands during tummy time, lifting one hand off the ground
- Fussiness when swaddled/fighting the swaddle
- Disrupted sleep
- Disappearance of the startle (moro) reflex
- Attempting to have hands free/up around their face when the swaddles is on
Are they too big for the bassinet? Is your baby banging its hands or head at the edges? Are they waking themselves and, ultimately, you up? If you answered yes, it's time to transition your baby into a crib.

How do you transition to a crib with ease?
Babies don't do well with significant changes; the best approach is slow and steady. Lots of changes all at once can disrupt your baby's little world.
If your baby is still being swaddled and you notice the signs of rolling, you need to start with the transition to arms out first. Read more about when to stop swaddling and transition to arms-out sleeping.
Once they are sleeping with their arms out, you can begin your journey from bassinet to crib sleeping.
Our tips for transitioning from bassinet to crib
- Begin the transition in the daytime, and place your baby down for their first-day nap in the crib. This way, you can watch and listen via a monitor. Remember that this is a change for you, too, so don't be so hard on yourself.
- The following day, put your baby in the crib for their morning and afternoon nap.
- By the third day, your baby will be ready to sleep each nap in the crib.
- Your baby will be ready to sleep their first night in the crib the following night, ultimately transiting them out of the bassinet. Deep breath, mums and dads. You've got this.
If you would like to start this method at night, begin by placing them into their crib after the first feed. The following night, repeat the process after their second feed. Continue this practice until they are comfortably transitioned into their cot.
Whatever you decide will be the right option for you and your family. As per the guidelines from AAP, they suggest room sharing should continue up until one year of age.
How do you avoid disrupting sleep during the transition?
If you're struggling with the move, you're not alone. Remember, your baby would choose to sleep with you if they could. Be gentle with yourself; baby steps, ironically.
To help with the big day and avoid any disruptions to their sleep, follow below:
- Create a solid bedtime routine: If you still need to, get a routine in place. For example: for dinner; bath; put them in a Long Sleeve Romper; story; add a Cocoon Swaddle, Jersey Sack or Sleep Suit Sack; quick snuggle; good night kiss; and place baby back to sleep. Keep it up - babies love routine. You've got this! They will feel more comfortable and aware of the new surroundings.
- Stay in their room: Consider having a sleepover for a few nights to ease your baby's worries and make the midnight feeds a little easier on you. Hot tip: Keep their swaddle on them when you feed overnight; it will help them distinguish between awake time and sleep time and keep them in sleep time mode. Place your hands on their back to calm them if they're stirring. This will help them feel safe and connected to you.
- Add some creature comforts: Keep your baby in their current sleepwear. Remember: if they're rolling, you should no longer be swaddling your baby. If they've been sleeping in our products, they should be sleeping with their arms out in their Cocoon Swaddle Sack, or they should have moved onto a Jersey or Sleep Sack. Not only are these sleep sacks going to keep baby warm and secure, but they're also a great sleep cue, which will help baby head off to dreamland.
- Ensure you have a fitted crib sheet made from a suitable quality fabric. Hot tip: place a t-shirt that smells of you near the crib (not inside). This will help to settle them when you're not in the room.
- Get them used to their new environment: Have some playtime during the day in the crib. Tummy time is a great way to get baby used to their new surroundings. Place some toys around them, and watch your little one play with delight.
- Expect a few nights of tears. This is a giant leap for a baby (and you) into their new environment. Your baby may surprise you by seamlessly entering their new space without a hiccup. Always remember to be kind to yourself.

What products will you need for bubs to sleep in?
Cocoon Swaddle Sack
If you want to keep your now rolling baby in a Cocoon Swaddle Sack, that's fine, it's a transitional swaddle. The snap closures at the shoulders allow your baby to sleep arms out. We suggest putting them in a 3-6 or 6-12 month Cocoon Swaddle Sack in a TOG suitable for your hemisphere and environment. Follow our What to Wear guide for more information. Remember, if they are rolling, the baby must no longer be swaddled and sleeping with their arms out, which takes us to the next product.
Butterfly Cardi
If your baby has started to roll and is being swaddled (arms in), you must transition them to sleep with their arms out. We suggest you do this for their safety at the first signs of rolling. The Butterfly Cardi is a valuable tool for helping with this next transition. It's designed to be a transition aid worn over your baby's swaddle to help them transition to arms out with minimal sleep interruptions and maximum sleep comfort.
*Suitable for little ones ready to transition from swaddling into arms out sleeping, ages 2-6 months. Not to be used as an alternative for swaddling.
Long Sleeve Rompers
Our Long Sleeve Rompers are a must-have for year-round. Created to be worn underneath our Pouches, we suggest a 0.2 TOG or a 1.0 TOG. Your baby can also wear their romper all day; it's too comfortable and cute to take off!
Jersey Sleep Sacks
Our most popular sleep sack! The Jersey Sleep Sack is a safe sleep sack for babies and toddlers designed for arms-out sleepers (usually from around three months of age). Being TOG-rated ensures the bag is insulated for use, and no blankets are required in the crib, making this a safe sleep option for babies.
Arm Warmers
For added warmth, you can't go past our innovative Arm Warmers, designed as a little bolero-style jacket to be used over the top of any Cocoon Swaddle Sack, Sleep Sack or sleeveless Sleep Suit Sack. Adding warmth is an excellent option as the weather cools later in the evening.
And there you have it, our guide to a smooth transition from bassinet to crib. You can always refer to our' What To Wear Guide' for support with dressing them for sleep. For now, good luck, parents. We have been there with you, and we support you.
With love,
eP X